Tender Remembrance

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Philip Glass “It Was Always You Helen”

O, I do love you so
The only way I’ve ever known
Yet, never had I dared to show
The deepest, truest part of me
For thee, I make exception
To a rule which had disheartened me
No longer in disharmony
My heart beat ghosts another

Not just any other
The one love that revisits me
The one that sails uncharted seas
And ventures forth implicitly
One of flawless symmetry
Of spotless synchronicity
Through chorus of epiphany
Imploring that we soar
No more forsworn to mourning core deficiency

I adore each idiosyncrasy
Each piece of thee
Close my eyes at any given time
Can see you vividly
A being transcendental
Of time, space and relativity
This goes beyond mere theory
Or delusional proclivity

There exist a tiny few
Who possess the kind of gift you do
Nothing imitation
For everything you touch
Is more inclined to shine relied on thine divine illumination
Take it from a laureate
Whose quill no longer spills but gushes
Pools betwixt the rushes
Midst a stream of crimson tide serene
Handsomely it blushes
Setting scene for love before unseen

Through the never, you endeavor to adore the earth
Not taint it
No more gentle soul acquainted
Voice ornate and understated
Not a syllable
Divisible or frivolously wasted
The sweetest dream my lips have ever tasted

One kiss provides the honey
For the worker bees of heaving hive to thrive
While life contrived thine smile to defile
You remained staunch in due course of denial
Believed enough to be seen
Henceforth, an army called forth their true queen

Mine flame doth twin
Shalt blaze through ember
January through December
Endlessly devoted
To the one embrace I care remember
Tender be remembrance
Of a sweet kiss ne’er forsaken
As our pale lips reawaken
In reprise of timeless splendour

O, I do love you so
The only one I dared to show
The deepest heart within a soul
To which I owe thine window
Nevermore secured by drape
Opened eyes to wide acclaim
Shalt ever thrive in thy fine name
My bride of second spring

Richard Charles Stevens

Keeper of The Crimson Quill

Click here to purchase All of Me Vol. I, II, III, IV & V

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© Copyright: Rivers of Grue™ Shadow Spark Publishing™


  1. We walk a fine line in these troubled days. The blurred lines have left us at times floundering for definition. Love, not so easily described anymore. Thank You Keeper. I learned much xo.

  2. You explain with such understated finesse. I love that. There I go, using that word. Nothing about the subject is black and white.

  3. When I first read this tonight, I couldn’t respond at first, I had to come back and read it again. I think I’ve read it 3 times now. Your words have made me see things in a different way. Where I’m at right now in my relationship is a scary place for me. But anyway, i just want to say thank you keeper for sharing this! Xoxo

  4. LOV£ is unique to each individual and can be priceless, classic, epic, and SW££T. The modern world has a tendency to rupture notions of truth and honor…but I think that there is a possibility for beauty and strength to coincide and build a solid foundation. Finding that someone who fits you like a glove is key…

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